Bikepacking Angola – from lush banana plantation to dry savannah

Angola marks another shift in our journey. After crossing the Equator, the northern landscapes mirror south of the Equator in reverse order. The country is the world's 22nd largest, and the landscape changes from north to south and east to west. We experience it while cycling through the country. In the north we wake up in a […]

Congo and Congo. Visa stress and wild experiences

What country is Congo? It has been almost impossible for us to find anything about the Republic of Congo in our research. Every time we search the internet, a lot comes up about the Democratic Republic of the Congo - which is another country. Neighborland short story. But still another country. No matter how hard we try and [...]

Bikepacking Cameroon – meeting one of the world's last indigenous peoples

In Cameroon we leave West Africa and cycle into a new region, Central Africa. Here we cycle far to the east, into the jungle, to meet the Baka, one of the world's last indigenous hunter-gatherers. Deep in the world's second largest rainforest, we meet a people who live in, by and with nature, but whose living conditions [...]

Reunification in Cameroon

Deafeningly loud African music blasts out in the small restaurant, where there is only room for 4-5 people around the table. Restaurant is perhaps as much said. Kiosk with the option to buy a meal is perhaps more appropriate. I try for the third time to shout through the music, but have to give up pushing through [...]

Nigeria – Dangerous country full of love

It will be a harsh tale about the most dangerous country on our route. Nigeria is known for kidnappings, murders, ritual use of human body parts and overall a security situation that is completely wild and hopeless. I promise it will end happily though. Very happy even. But I must warn that the following is [...]

Togo and Benin. Voodoo in reality

Togo and Benin are largely about the ancient religion of voodoo, which is practiced here. But also about extremely nice people. About getting my shoulders down again and finding my way back to the cool places to cycle and the good experiences in the small villages, out in the countryside. On the other hand, it was unlikely to be difficult to […]

Ivory Coast and Ghana – Greatness and Decay

In the Ivory Coast and up to Accra in Ghana, we decide to cycle more or less along the straight country road for two reasons. The rainy season is early this year and it's catching up with us, so we're trying to get out of there a bit. Once heaven opens its floodgates, we must seek [...]

Liberia – Bikepacking through the jungle

Some of the most intense days we've had since we left the North Cape more than half a year ago took place in the jungles of Liberia. The humid heat, the extreme terrain and wild human destinies made the experience challenging, but to that extent enriching. "I don't want you driving through the jungle!". We have only known the woman [...]

Liberia – Stolen while cycling!

This is the story of how our entire journey was turned upside down in a single second. How we were knocked off course for a time. But also about why we can rise again and not least – travel further. It's true crime in Monrovia, the capital of the world with the most bag thefts. […]

Sierra Leone – Noooooo way!

Sierra Leone is living proof that the people of West Africa are resilient. We find it difficult to understand how the population of a country that has been through so much and is so challenged can be so welcoming and curious about who the two crazies on bicycles are. Inflation is high and life is […]