Sierra Leone – Noooooo way!

Sierra Leone is living proof that the people of West Africa are resilient. We find it difficult to understand how the population of a country that has been through so much and is so challenged can be so welcoming and curious about who the two crazies on bicycles are. Inflation is high and life is […]

Guinea – From straw huts to skyscrapers

In Guinea we found again what we love most about bikepacking. Rough dirt roads through mountain landscapes, with small villages filled with welcoming people who live life in a completely different way than in Denmark. But we also found new friends and much-needed luxury in Conakry's expat environment, as well as a few experiences we will never forget. Already […]

Guinea Bissau – carnival and cashews

Guinea-Bissau is a small country in West Africa that does not get much attention in the media. It is located on the Atlantic coast and has Senegal and Guinea as neighbors. The country has just under 2 million inhabitants and is one of the poorest countries in the world. This is partly due to the fact that the country has no natural resources and that there is political [...]

The Gambia. Small country – big challenges.

In the small medical center in Janjanbureh, Kenneth sits with his foot up on an old, broken desk. The nurse has her infant in a sling on her back while she cleans the wound on Kenneth's leg with hand sanitizer. It's not exactly clean here. Nor exactly the most optimal remedies for even simple wound cleaning. You have to do with [...]

Senegal – blue lips and polygamy

We cross the border to Senegal in the eastern part of the country. Here we have chosen a dirt road which takes us through small communities and beautiful nature that changes from semi-desert to vegetation. We are overwhelmed by the many hospitable and smiling people we meet on our way. People who live in a traditional way [...]

Through the desert sands of Mauritania

Mauritania. A country we hadn't even heard of just a year ago. But after a month of warm smiles, men in blue suits, women on the backs of donkey carts, with iPhones in hand, traditional music, windswept desert landscapes, golden sunsets, raw and authentic living conditions, we have completely fallen in love with this desert country at the edge of [ …]

In the trail of the caravans – Bikepacking 'Route of Caravans'

We love to experience the world and we love to ride bikes. Especially when the terrain gets bumpy and challenging, and we get full value for our bikepacking set-up. We are looking forward to setting out on the bikepacking route 'Route of Caravans', which is a 1200km route with 12,500 meters of altitude, which partly follows a historic caravan route. It will […]

Morocco. A mosaic of experiences.

Everything is new. Language, gestures, manners, sounds, smells, customs and everything else were reset in the hour ferry ride it took us to change continents. We arrived in Tangier. A metropolis with a history that has stretched in many directions. From Arab stronghold to divided international zone under Spanish and French colonial rule. Before that, […]

On the edge of the continent

Huge hugs and kisses. This is how the reunion took place, of course, at Valencia airport. Marie flew here so that we could be reunited in our adventure towards South Africa. Kenneth had gone to the trouble of booking a hotel that would suit Marie's romantic taste. The choice was exquisite – a hotel with a bicycle workshop in the basement, so we had good [...]

Most important are the people

Chaos. As always. That's just how it is before you set off on a long journey. Friends and family to say goodbye to. The last specific things you are missing in your packaging, which must be ordered home. Insurances, passports, papers. Rent out the apartment. But, as always, it worked out in the end and the day came when I [...]