Around the mountain Ausangate 

We have been really looking forward to Peru. The country with the beautiful high mountains and impressive passes. Where cycling form will be challenged and the eyes will be at work overtime in the beautiful nature. Ride higher than we've ever been before and ride some of the most famous bikepacking routes. Something that we have been very much looking forward to [...]

The journey from nature to culture

Ahhhhhh we take a deep breath of the lovely familiar scent and smile at each other. We are in a beautiful conifer forest. Completely different from the landscape the day before. Tall large trees with long needles and cones on the ground. Such a lovely shade. And then the sweet smell. It's like being in Denmark. On […]

Israel and Salar de Uyuni

After spending over four months in Chile and Argentina, we drove over the border to Bolivia on May 31st. It's interesting how a border on a map can mean so much. A different culture, people and norms. We have now been in Bolivia for 12 days and we already love the country. […]

Abra del Acay

In Cafayate we sat at a small table in a cozy courtyard, together with Tomas and drank local wine and ate delicious Asado. Asado is the life right of all Argentines, it's basically barbecue, and Tomas is an Argentinian guy who we've been cycling with for a week, in the north of Argentina. That […]

Quien se apura en la Patagonia pierde el tiempo

A local proverb says that those who hurry in Patagonia lose time. We were absolutely delighted when we heard that, because that is exactly how we experience the place. Time loses its meaning, and the great nature sets the agenda with wind and weather. The day on the bike is not to achieve something, […]

The mythical crossing

There are many ways to cross a country border. One of the most mythical crossings we have heard of must be the one from El Chaltén in Argentina to Villa O'Higgins in Chile. A legend among long-distance cyclists and hardy backpackers. The border itself is far out in the middle of nowhere, between Lago del Desierto, "The lake in the wilderness", and [...]

Torres del Paine National Park 

Tierre del Fuego has been fascinating, but also very barren and windy. It was therefore absolutely magical to cycle from Puerto Natales on a beautiful and almost windless day towards the Torres del Paine National Park. We met a guy on the road who worked in the park as a guide. He said this was his favorite road in all of Patagonia. […]

The first 500 km

Then we finally got started. Now we have prepared, read, packed, traveled to Ushuaia, tried to learn Spanish, cycled to the end of the world. And now. Now we finally have to start the real adventure. The three days in Buenos Aires were nice and warm, but we were both so filled with the joy of anticipation that […]

A slip in Go'morgen Denmark

A few hours before we left for the airport, we dropped by Go'morgen Danmark to talk about our trip. Read the entire article at TV2

Our first bikepacking trip together

One experience in particular meant that this trip will forever have a special place in our hearts. We are in Armenia, along Lake Sevan. We cycle on paved country roads, but the bikes have wide 3-inch tires and our pack-up is minimal. What we have in mind is something completely different from paved idyll. In […]